

Actually, my main focus is on web development using Ruby on Rails. I started to learn Ruby on Rails in 2012, making freelances and opening a web development company. From this time on I used this technology to develop features for e-commerce, CMS (multibrand), distance learning environment, payment gateway integrations, communication with web services, APIs RESTful for mobile applications, genetics algorithms to trade cryptocurrencies, cache system for external APIs, essay correction powered by OpenAI, dockerization, deploy with kamal, and more.

My last formal education achievement was in 2023, when I finished my master thesis about using machine learning to help to catalog educational objects. In 2010, I made a postgraduate article about using different methods of machine learning to control racing cars in the game TORCS. In 2009, I finished my bachelor writing a thesis about using genetic algorithms to classify data.

I started to work professionally with web development with Java and PHP in 2008, a time of don’t want discoveries. From January to December 2011, I programmed embedded systems and finally get hooked by the cloud idea, they worked from hardware to cloud software. This experiencie, although short, was a turning point in my career. This was when I decided to learn Ruby on Rails (RoR) and make freelances.

As you can see, my curiosity make me explore many different areas of software development. I also studied Elixir and its Phoenix Framework and Kubernetes. I also like to read about software methodologies, processes, architecture.

I’m also human, and I have a wife and three children. I like to travel, read books, watch movies, play video games, and listen to music. In the last couple of years I’m finally getting good at making the famous Brazilian barbecue.