Kadu Diógenes

Creating a Rails project using Dev Containers

A long time ago, I wrote a post about not using Docker to run your Rails application: https://kdiogenes.github.io/posts/dev-dont-put-rails-on-the-whale/. Following this approach I wrote a post rece...

Using docker-compose to create project-specific PostgreSQL for Rails without exposing database port

When working with Rails applications, it’s common to use PostgreSQL as the database. While it’s easy to set up a PostgreSQL server on your local machine, it can be a bit cumbersome to manage differ...

Learning Precision and Recall with ChatGPT

Hey there! Today, I’m going to share with you a super cool conversation I had with ChatGPT about precision and recall. These are key concepts in the world of machine learning and text classificatio...

Yet another Rails admin?

No, only a kadim! kadim is derived from “cadim”, an expression from the brazillian mineiro dialect, speaked in the central region of Minas Gerais, that means a little bit. This region is most famo...

What defines a full-stack developer (Presenting ActiveStorage Resumable)?

The sadness on his eyes, for sure :) This post is not about definitions, internet is full of definitions about full-stack developers, it’s about how sad the life of a full-stack developer is! If y...

Digging on ActiveStorage attached methods

I read Metaprogramming Ruby 2 a long time ago, but I remember to read it more for the challenge than for the fun. The explanation about the Ruby object model is fantastic, difficult to grasp, but w...

Developing a local NPM package and using it on Rails

How do you install a NPM package from your local filesystem? yarn add file:/path/to/my/local/npm/package More info on https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/cli/add/ Cool, now I made changes to my loc...

Dev, don't put Rails on the whale

If you need, or if you just want to do it, go on! In my project I use Rails, docker and docker-compose. I install Rails local and use a Procfile to start other services through docker-compose. T...